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WELCURE DRUGS & PHARMACEUTICALS LTD () is founded by professional promoters having three decades of experience in pharmaceuticals.

is engaged in the business of manufacturing and marketing of pharmaceutical formulations viz. Tablets, Capsules, Dry Syrups, Liquid Orals and Injections; with firm commitment to relieve the human sufferings by promoting health for all through “Care & Cure”.

has to its credit the most modern and sophisticated manufacturing facilities of international standards at its works at Bhiwadi in Rajasthan. The facilities in the Company include ultra-modern plant, machinery and equipment., captive power generation, pollution control equipment and in house testing facilities including instrumentation laboratory to cater to the quality conscious customers.

is an ISO-9002 certified company by doubly accredited by ABS Quality Evaluation Inc. Texas and by Ansi Registrars of Accredition Board of USA. Welcure has GMP certificate and strictly follows WHO-GMP norms for its total quality management.

believes that the key to stay ahead in competition is Quality and that the product will rule the market only when it conforms to the quality requirements of the customer - first time and every time meeting world class standards. Quality gyrates around customer satisfaction. It is towards this end that the Company has in-house testing facilities using latest equipment and supported by highly qualified technical personnel and effective controls of process.

'S Sales Policy has been “Essence of business is to create Customers; profits will follow”. Company’s endeavur is to widen the customer base in order to reach every corner of the country by providing excellent quality medicines at competitive prices. A large network of stockists and distributors backed by  highly dedicated and motivated field personnel ensure that products are available throughout the country. knows that business goes where it is invited and stays where it is treated well. Retaining the customer is more important than attracting new customers.

has been exporting its medicines to Japan, Indonesia, Afghanistan, Russia directly and to various other countries through its agents.

is strong - both technically and commercially; and is in the pursuit of growth with internationally accepted excellent quality health care products. In its flight for excellence, each achievement stopover of journey and is not a permanent destination. Growth with excellence is a continuous process of .

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Success does not make a company great, what really matters is its contribution towards making life better for everybody. It is towards this end that we, at , are committed to human sufferings by promoting health for all through " Care & Cure". This policy has helped Welcure to gain the confidence of our customers and built a healthy social environment. takes care of speedy relief, lesser cost and convenience of a patient and ensures dissemination of information material to physicians with regard to safety and effectiveness of the formulations, its side effects and contra indications and the trade channels i.e. distributors, wholesalers and chemists to get speedy supplies and services from .

is strong both technically and commercially. Welcure is in the pursuit of growth with internationally accepted excellent quality health care products and in its flight for excellence, each achievement is a brief stopover of journey and is not a permanent destination.

believes in ethicsGrowth with excellence is a continuous process of .



  • Shri D.C Jain, B. Com., LL.B., M.I.L (Hons)., G.D.I.M., M.I.I.A., A.M.I.B.M. F.A.S.M., F.C.S. is the Chairman cum Managing Director and founder of the Company and has over three decades experience in controlling various industries as top level Company Executive. He had been President of the Institute of Companies Secretaries of India.


  • Dr. Sanjeev Jain, B.Com., M.B.B.S (Bio) A.M.I.M.A looks after marketing and material procurement of the Company. Prior to joining this company he had been dealing in pharmaceutical formulations and bulks drugs for over a decade. He has a dynamic leadership, professional approach and determination. He knows how to utilize the wisdom and effectiveness of his team in coordinated, concerted, co-operated efforts. He has also been awarded order of merit for management and honoured as Samajshree in recognition of services rendered to the public.

  • Shri Sandeep Jain, B.Com., LL.B., M.B.A., F.M.S.P.I.., A.M.I.M.A., Department oversees Production and Quality Control of the company. He has over eighteen years of experience of running pharmaceutical formulation business always at profit. He has been showered with many awards like Gold Medal for Management, Order of Merit Award, Samaj Shri Award for excellence in Management, Out standing Personalities Award 1998 and Man of the Year 1999 award. He is an Executive Director of PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Joint Secretary, Rajasthan Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association & Executive Member of Bhiwadi Manufacturers Association.


  • Shri Harihar Lal, I.R.S (Retd.), M.A., LL.B is a leading Tax Consultant and had been Secretary, Central Board of Direct Taxes; Director of Inspection and Income Tax Commissioner, Delhi. He is leading consultant of the country.

  • Shri R.K Pandey, M.Com., D.B.A., L.L .B., F.C.S is a leading Financial consultant and had been Executive Director of the Delhi Stock Exchange Association Ltd for over 18 years and Financial Advisor to the U.P Government.

  • Shri S.S Dhanoa, I.A.S (Retd.), B.Sc., LL.B., GSPIA (Pittsburgh U.S.A) had been Election Commissioner of India ; Health Secretary, Government of India and Chief Secretary, Punjab.

  • Dr V.B. Lal, M.D. (Lausanne), D.Sc. Hons (Paris), Zeug (Vienna) Ph.D. (California) is President, India Association of Blood Banks and Chairman of the Blood Bank Organisation.