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is professionally managed by the Board of Directors who are assisted by a team of qualified and experienced professional executives. The intelligence, imagination, knowledge, education and experience of the promoters create the mission for the organisation and it is the wisdom and effectiveness of the corporate personnel which translates their vision into reality and converts the resources into results.

The team sets limits to what can be attained, bring the plans into effectiveness and translate the actions into results. Our people understand their respective professional dimensions of work and the proper way to treat subordinates who report to them.

The dynamic management team comprises of professionals expertised in their field and includes Chartered Accountants, Company Secretaries, Cost Accountants, Postgraduates & Graduates in Management, Law and Marketing and highly qualified and experienced Technical Professional with proven caliber and capability of Research & Development, Quality Assurance and Manufacturing.

title.gif (1054 bytes) greatest assets is its people. Their devotion, dedication, diligence, dynamism and determination towards their work give the Company an innovative character and incisive edge.

family's diligent functioning enables the company to achieve the objectives with greater success as well as internationally acceptable excellence in the area of work at all times.