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is one of the leading and integrated pharmaceutical companies; one of the few companies in India having all the three divisions-

I. Pharmaceutical formulations

II. Bulk drugs

III. Drug intermediates

manufactures hundreds of Pharmaceutical Formulations in the form of :

Tablets Capsules Dry Syrup
Liquid Orals Powders Injectables

has an independent separate sections for :

I. Adults

II. Pediatrics (Kids Section)

III. Biological & non-biological

IV. Antibiotics & non- antibiotics

V. Veterinary & human

manufacturing range includes

antibiotics sulpha drugs vitamins
analgesics antipyretics corticosteroids
anti-diabetics tranquilizers sedatives
gastro-instestinals anti-bacterial anti-ulcerates
anti-allergic anti-amoebics anti-cancers
cough and cold preparations anti-diarrhea life saving medicines

products are

Generic and patent proprietary IP, BP, USP & NFI
Ayurvedic & Allopathic Human & Veterinary